Thrombectomy in ischemic stroke

What do I need to know to perform it?

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Prof. David Ozretić, M.D., Ph.D.

Ass. Prof. David Ozretić, M.D., Ph.D.
University Hospital Centre Zagreb

Branimir Čulo, M.D.

Branimir Čulo, M.D.
Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Center


Required level of previous knowledge and experience of participants: intermediate

Hands-on objectives:

  • Define what an ischemic stroke is, its causes, and diagnostic methods for determining it
  • Explain the place and role of endovascular thrombectomy in the treatment of ischemic stroke
  • Explain the goals and possible outcomes of thrombectomy
  • State the necessary skills and working conditions necessary to perform a thrombectomy
  • Explain in detail endovascular techniques and materials for thrombectomy
  • Explain step by step how endovascular thrombectomy is performed by presenting interventions
  • To enable participants to have all the information necessary to assess the indication and technical performance of mechanical thrombectomy in ischemic stroke

Who is the hands-on for:

  • Specialists, subspecialists and residents in radiology, neuroradiology, interventional radiology, neurology, cardiology, vascular surgery and neurosurgery who are interested in learning and deepening their knowledge about the possibilities of treating ischemic stroke with endovascular thrombectomy.
17:00-17:20 Ischemic stroke - how to diagnose it and when to treat it?
Ass. Prof. David Ozretić, M.D., Ph.D.
17:20-17:40 Endovascular technique for the treatment of ischemic stroke - step by step
Branimir Čulo, M.D.
17:40-17:55 What materials do I need to know to perform a thrombectomy?
Ass. Prof. David Ozretić, M.D., Ph.D.
17:55-18:10 Practical demonstration of mechanical thrombectomy (anterior and posterior cerebral circulation)
Ass. Prof. David Ozretić, M.D., Ph.D. and Branimir Čulo, M.D.
18:10-18:25 Questions and answers
All participants
18:25-18:30 Conclusions